In July 2024, Governor Gavin Newsom signed AB 2429 – Pupil instruction: health education courses: fentanyl into law. With the addition of Section 51225.38 to the Education Code, starting in the 2026-27 school year, school districts and charter schools with health education course requirements will be required to instruct high school students about the risks and dangers associated with fentanyl use. This course will be mandatory for graduation. San Diego Assembly member David Alvarez, who authored the legislation, said the goal is to dispel misinformation and encourage informed decision-making among students.
According to Education Code section 51225.38, the instruction shall include, for example, information on what fentanyl is, the risks of using fentanyl, an explanation of the process of adding or mixing fentanyl with other drugs (lacing) and why lacing with fentanyl is common, and how to detect fentanyl in drugs and how to potentially save a person from a fentanyl overdose.
For more information about this new requirement, check out the article below.
“I was very confused at the time. I didn't even know what fentanyl really was,” Arianna said.
The tragedy deeply affected her. It also motivated her. Now 17 and a senior at Lincoln High School she is educating her peers about the dangers of fentanyl.
“Like you never know what has fentanyl in it. You never know when somebody could need their life saved,” she said.