What can I solve for you?
School district leaders routinely juggle a variety of conflicts, student and personnel matters and governance issues. I’m pleased to provide them with steady guidance so they can focus on facilitating what I consider to be the highest purpose of government—educating students.
What's it like to work with me?
I tend to build strong, long-term relationships with those I represent, and I’m always looking down the road for emerging issues and hazards. Clients like my cordial personality, experience-based advice and ability to step in and help clean up problems. I devise a range of options to get them to their objective, but also identify the path I believe will be the best. Ultimately, the clients choose their path, but I take a candid approach when addressing options and strategies.
Top Issues in My Practice
“Our work is a natural fit for me – my parents worked in education, as did many family friends. My practice of education law honors what I consider the highest purpose of government.”