What can I solve for you?
Public education governing boards throughout California rely on me to provide adept guidance on special education disputes and other student matters. I can help you navigate the complex legal landscape surrounding student allergies, accommodations for deaf and hard of hearing students, and emerging issues in special education student discipline and social media. With my in-depth knowledge of the legal requirements and best practices in these areas, I can help you create solutions that are both legally sound and effective in practice.
What's it like to work with me?
I’m a passionate defender of my clients and I work side-by-side with them to build a legally-compliant solution to the various matters that arise. I will work to help them further their mission of serving students, parents, faculty, staff and the public at large.
Top Issues in My Practice
“Democracy is built on public education. I am honored to support districts in developing students’ critical thinking and moral character so they can lead our country to a brighter, more just future.”