Top Issues
There is no shortage of questions being asked in light of the passage of the budget trailer bill, SB 866, and the recent decision by the U.S. Supreme Court regarding Janus v. ASFCME, (Janus). The Janus decision declared that requiring public employees to pay agency fees is a violation of their First Amendment rights of free speech. SB 866 places limitations on school districts regarding payroll, mass communication and Public Record Requests.
Changes to payroll are significant. In order to help you navigate the changes ahead, F3 has partnered with Association of California School Administrators (ACSA) and the California Association of School Business Officials (CASBO) to provide a Payroll Check List regarding the elimination of agency fees as required under the Janus decision. You can access the list HERE.
This list is provided to you as a practical tool and is not legal advice. If you have any questions on how Janus and SB 866 impact your district specifically, please contact one of our six offices.