What can I solve for you?
Applying decades of experience in various public-education roles, I feel I’m positioned well to serve as a mentor and coach for superintendents and other school leaders. I also provide counsel and training on governance; connect people within my extensive professional network; offer insight and a steady hand during crises, equity and diversity policy development, and labor management relations; and handle a wide range of other matters on behalf of school districts.
What's it like to work with me?
A student-centered focus stands at the core of my values. As a leader who’s grounded in empathy, I first take a good look at the people, system or organization I’m working with to identify all the assets they possess—and then build upon them. I assess very complex and intricate situations and make them meaningful, even the most diverse groups come together to problem-solve for the greater good. I focus my work on the cultural, racial, and linguistic diversity and how we can best use their lived experiences to further the work on the behavior of students.