What can I solve for you?
Employers encounter workplace and human resource challenges virtually every day, ranging from routine issues to complex, politically difficult and sometimes volatile high-stakes situations. My clients know that I’m always by their side, ready to draw on my experience and legal skills to help them resolve or prevent their labor and employment problems, while also handling a range of negotiations, arbitrations, investigations and training matters.
What's it like to work with me?
I attended California public schools from first grade through law school and consider it an honor to give back to the institutions that gave me so much. Our clients look for three major qualities: ability, availability and affability, and I bring all three to every matter. In all circumstances, I lay out the options and discuss the risks and advantages of each one. My clients know that ultimately they decide the path to pursue that best dispatches a problem and helps them achieve their mission.
Top Issues in My Practice
“I attended California public schools from 1st grade through law school. It’s the honor of a lifetime to represent public education by giving back to those institutions that gave me so much.”