What can I solve for you?
Having litigated a wide range of labor and employment issues, I provide strategic counsel to clients to minimize their exposure while effectuating their goal of providing exceptional educational services. I also conduct personnel investigations to identify and correct potential problems and ensure students and staff are provided an environment conducive to learning. My litigation and investigative experience allows me to better assist clients in navigating complex legal disputes.
What's it like to work with me?
I respect and care deeply about the education professionals I serve, as well as their students and communities. This helps me approach matters from their perspective and find creative solutions to their problems. My clients know that when they come to me with an issue, I will be responsive every step of the way until the issue is resolved and that my recommendations will be well thought-out and legally sound. My goal is always to lessen my clients’ burden, so they can focus on educating the next generation.
Top Issues in My Practice
“For many, public education serves as a pathway to a better life. I am proud to collaborate with our school districts to ensure that all students have access to a quality education.”