In response to the Southern California wildfires, Governor Newsom has issued several Executive Orders that add flexibility to assist individuals, health care, businesses and schools. Three of the Orders that have a direct impact on schools in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties. The Executive Orders that apply to Local Education Agencies (LEAs) include school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools.
- Executive Order N 3-2025, issued on January 10, adds flexibilities to health care and emergency workers, schools and childcare. Paragraphs 5-7 apply to schools.
- Paragraph 5 extends the deadline for the School Accountability Report Cards by 45 days for LEAs impacted by the fires in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties.
- Paragraph 6 extends the deadline for assessing students on English language proficiency by 45 days for LEAs impacted by the fires in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties.
- Paragraph 7 suspends the instructional minute requirements for physical education for those periods when there is a lack of available facilities for PE.
- Executive Order N 4-25, issued on January 12, 2025, addresses permitting and review requirements under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the California Coastal Act in order to allow for reconstruction of property substantially damaged or destroyed by the fires.
- Paragraph 1 suspends CEQA and the CA Coastal Act.
- Paragraph 3 prohibits price gouging through January 6, 2026, for Los Angeles County.
- Paragraph 5 requires coordination between the state and local governments to identify and recommend the expediting of permits and approvals.
- Executive Order N 6-25, issued on January 14, 2025, addresses schools and students affected by the fires. The Executive Order applies to only those schools damaged or destroyed in Los Angeles County and suspends a number of rules to allow displaced students to attend school out of their district and make it easier for schools damaged or destroyed by the fires to use temporary facilities. Several of the flexibilities are highlighted below.
- Paragraph 2 applies to the use of temporary facilities and permits the superintendent or charter school leader to submit in writing to the Superintendent of Public Instruction the need for school closure due to the fire.
- Paragraph 3 waives instructional days and minutes for as long as necessary to address the impact of the fires.
- Paragraph 4 waives class-size requirements for TK-8 and TK-3
- .Paragraph 5 waives residency requirements for the remainder of the 2024-25 school year.
- Paragraph 10 applies to site-based charter schools damaged or destroyed to relocate anywhere within Los Angeles County for the remaining of the school year.
- Paragraph 12 suspends the 10-day requirement to forward student records within 10 days upon the request.
- Paragraph 13 extends the annual LCAP and LCFF budget overview for parents until March 31, 2025.